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Insensitive coworkers

I just participated in a meeting by telephone. I work from home now because of scent triggers. At the beginning of the meeting, someone made a comment about the blue lights where I used to sit being there because ‘some people’ have migraines. Someone else – I don’t know who - in the meeting said, “Take a Tylenol, that will take care of it. It’s not a big deal.”

I am very disappointed - but not surprised - that one of my team members would make a comment that makes light of it. I expected more from people who are employed in healthcare. That aside, ignorance is not an excuse for lack of compassion. It is because of lack of empathy/consideration/compassion that I am working from home.

Should I say something to my supervisor about this? What would you say?

  1. I would. I would document the date and what happened and then say something to your supervisor and document that, too. I had a lot of problems with my coworkers not wanting me to have any accommodations (they thought I should just suck it up) and they eventually complained enough and had me transferred. These were people I'd been friends with for 15 years. People can really suck.

    1. Hi easterli,

      How awful! I'm sorry you had to deal with that. You're right - ignorance is no excuse. Here is an article describing what other members have done when dealing with co-workers;

      Good luck,

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