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I am wondering if anyone else has gone this route or similar. I currently take Depakote which has quit working. I am not a candidate for antidepressants, calcium channel blockers, or beta blockers. I read about a couple headache specialists using this for its muscle relaxant and seizure preventive properties. As well, I definitely have a high anxiety component with migraines. I have a very good headache specialist, but she is pushing Botox which I will have to pay for up front and I would like to exhaust all other options before resorting to that. I have tried the whole run of anticobvulsants, muscle relaxers, natural treatments - you name it.

Triggers include menses, extreme temp changes, and stress. Abortive: Migranal and Tylenol 2 as a backup.

I am aware that Klonopin is a benzodiazepine and know all the associated stigmas. If anyone has tried this, I would like to hear any experiences.

  1. Hi Melissa,

    Clonazepam, brand name Klonopin, has been used 'off label' for migraine prevention which means it's not intended for migraine prevention but appears to work for some people. I've not tried this, nor do I personally know anyone who has.

    I can tell you there are over 100 medications that can be used to treat migraine and a few years ago, the American Academy of Neurology and the American Headache Society came out with migraine prevention guidelines you may be interested in reading about;

    Tylenol 2 won't stop the migraine process, just help mask the pain. Abortive medications in addition to Migranal include triptans and ergotamines. Here is information on abortives; It's also imperative to take triptans correctly and you can read more about that here;


    1. Hi, I am on Botox, preventative = Trokendi XR which I would say is "all right" but since there are so many preventatives out there I keep talking to my nero about trying another but he really doesn't think there are any better "according to research" than topiramate and propanolol. I really don't have an abortive since triptans I've tried (Maxalt, Sumitriptan injection, eletriptan) don't have much effect if any, and so all I have is ibuprofin, acetomenaphen, or fioricet which I don't like to take too often and also doesn't seem to work too well. Maybe I have too high expectations of what medications should do but I figure since there are so many medications and I get so many migraines (2-5 per week) what can it hurt to let me try another?! Anyway today after having 2 appointments in 10 days including Botox my neuro finally allowed me to try Cambia (he said I should take it WITH eletriptan, alone is not as intended?), allowed me to wean off Trokendi but with no plan for an alternative, so I think he is kind of "calling my bluff" and wants me to see how bad I feel without it and come crying back on Trokendi, and then he prescribed Klonopin - I think he thinks I have anxiety issues. I guess I need to find a new doctor but I've seen 4 neurologists in this area already including one on the headache specialist database. I guess I have to keep looking.

      1. I think I would be pretty upset with this doctor; however, I have run into this before. It is all well and good to considervresearch, but patients are like snowflakes not paper dolls.

        If you want something different, you are going to have to present a case. The Robbins Headache Clinic website has some great information on difficult-to-treat headaches. Also, it is completely okay to ask specifics about this "research" your doc is referring to. I questioned this once, investigated the study which, of course, was funded by the same drug company that was paying the doctor. After pointing this out, she was much more open minded when I wanted to try something new.

        If your doc will not listen to you after you present a well-reasoned argument, then you may have no choice but to move on. Keeping up with theories and non-drug-oriented research on headache disorders in general greatly helps. You are the patient but also the customer. Bring your ideas and make them explain specifically why not. RxList and can give detailed lists of contraindications so you can rule out that excuse ahead of time.

        I had huge issues with topiramate and many other drugs. I made my goals very clear and the limits of side effects I can handle (for example cognitive problems are not acceptable but a treatable side effect like nausea or sedation is). If I point out why i want to try this or that, I usually get my way unless there is a major contraindication. Sometimes, you need to be a bit stubborn and persistent.

        1. I was put on klonopin for help with staying asleep.. I am currently on .5mg dosage which seems to be just enough to help me get some rest but not feel groggy in the morning.. I had 2 rounds of Botox injections which were inclusive as to the results.. Since I was taking the klonopin before my migraines started, I can't help much there.

          One of my neurologist last ditch efforts seems to help some.. My blood pressure has always been good but he wanted to try verapamil ER 120mg once a day.. It has helped "some".. Maybe this is something that will give you a few more days of peace each month too.. Worth asking the doc about if you haven't already.

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