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Lidocaine and Steroid injection

I get my care at the VA. At my last visit the neurologist p.a. who saw me gave me an injection in the occipital area of my neck of lidocaine and a steroid. said it helps some people to have fewer migraines. Has anyone here had this injection? If so did it work for you and do you have any concerns about having this treatment? Did it help?

My concern is that I don't know what the long term effects of steroid injections are. I think you are suppose to have these every three months. I am not sure that migraine is considered very serious at the VA, more like a nuisance illness and that this is just another method of making it seem like someone is doing something but not really. I'd be interested in hearing if anyone here has had experience with this treatment.

  1. Hi riverleigh,

    First I'd like to take a moment and thank you for your service. Yes, I've had this injection a number of years ago, and had limited results - not as long as I'd hoped. I wasn't extremely concerned about the long term effects as I only had one injection. As with any injection or procedure, there are risks involved with having it done. Many people are able to get relief for a few months. BUT these injections are not meant to prevent attacks but for TEMPORARY relief.

    Let me share this is a direct quoted from an article Dr. Hutchinson wrote, an expert in migraine/headache - "Nerve blocks can be done in the doctor’s office and in fact, occipital nerve blocks are often done to treat prolonged headaches or to help prevent migraine for 1-2 weeks. It is an easy procedure and patients can drive themselves home afterwards."

    I hope you get some relief, let us know how you make out,

    1. I had one last summer in my right temple. It helped a little at first but wasn't as helpful as I would have liked. Shortly after getting the injection, I remembered the bad experience I had with an epidural, so I don't think I'd have another.
      Take care,

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