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Lloyds tens machine replacement pads or alternative machines?

Hi all,

I have used a (discontinued) lloyds tens machine here in the UK for the last couple of years. It works well for pain, but they have stopped selling the pads that attach it to your forehead.

Has anyone else used this and found a way to replace the pads?

Can anyone recommend another TENS machine for migraine?


  1. As an update, I found another brand machine that does the same thing and bought that.

    Still interested to hear how others get on with TENS for their migraines. If you have never tried it it's worth it. I pair mine with 50mg of sumatriptan and some over the counter co-codimol (the kitchen sink approach) whenever I get aura and it seems to fight it pretty well.

    1. Great topic - thank you for bringing it up. How is your new device working?
      There are a number of devices specifically designed for migraine relief you may want to look into. I'm not sure a TENS unit is the best option for migraine treatment. Let me share the device information with you here;
      Please let me know what you think and I'm sending you wishes for a low pain day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (team member)

    2. Such good news that you've gotten results from the TENS units. As Nancy states below, not sure it's the best option for migraine. Have you tried Nerivio or Cefaly devices? From what I understand leads on a TENS unit should not be placed on the head. I get stress headaches/migraines and a TENS unit is perfect for me to place leads on my neck and upper back to ease the migraine this way. How has the TENS helped you? And, pairing meds with units or devices is a great way to banish the pain. Hoping others chime in - glad you've found an alternative. There are many many TENS units on the market. Wishing you the best this holiday season. Rebecca (Team member)

  2. That’s interesting re not using tens on your head.

    Both the old device I had (Lloyds) and the new one (tenscare mynd) say they are designed specifically to be worn on the head for migraine relief. Is this contentious??

    I haven’t tried the new one as I only ordered it today but the old one was
    /is really good for lowering pain. It feels Like it essentially numbs the forehead.

    And thanks for the links to the other devices. I’ll take a look.


    1. I'll look forward to hearing your thoughts on the other devices. Correct me if I'm wrong, are you in the UK? I did a quick search and the devices you mentioned are in the UK. I did find information from The Migraine Trust (from the UK) that has good information:

      The TENS units in the US are not designed to be used on our heads, however, I'm not sure about UK devices and don't want to mislead you.

      Keep us posted? Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (team member)

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