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Long time sufferer- Intranasal capsicum worked for me. Please try it

A Nasal spray consisting of pure chilli extract (capsicum) and water to dilute it, was all it took to cure my multi decade long problem with migraine headaches. Don't just take my word for it though. There has even been reaearch done on this and it was proven to be extremely effective for others too. See for yourself here

  1. Hello Biophobia, thank you so much for sharing your experience with capsicum with the community. I'm so glad it is providing you with some much-needed relief!
    I hope you continue feeling well! Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson ( team)

    1. Thanks for sharing! I have never heard of this... and I'll admit I'm a bit scared to try it, but if it works, it would be worth it! Do you take it only at the on-set of a migraine?
      Thanks, Lori

      1. Hi MamaBear2! Yes, it is taken at the onset of a migraine! Let us know what you think if you decide to give this a try (after consulting with your doctor, of course!).

        ~Melanie ( team member)

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