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Loss of Family = More Migraines?

Well, I am so worn out still, and grouchy and the migraine is messing with me. My husband lost his mother in the beginning of August and we were able to fly out to see her in hospice. I feel like I'm a whimp as I watched her as brain cancer was stealing her from us.

Thank goodness his brother and sister are both more supportive than what is left of my family. Seriously it's sad but I have one person on my Father's side that have been more caring. (Sorry I am struggling with words as the migraine is raging on)

Thank you very much for your reply and kind words.

Hopefully I can find the time to be able to get help, and maybe help someone else who is starting on this journey.
Migraine headaches have been going on for 2 months now, and I have been trying to contact my doctor, but no luck so far. So I will end this for now, it's lights out time.

  1. I am so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law passing and how much you are struggling. I understand how frustrating and debilitating it is to live with daily head pain. You and your family have been through so much recently it's not unheard of to see an uptick in pain when we are going through stressful times. Please know we're here for you.
    Is you doctor not responding? I'd suggest letting him/her know how much your quality of life is being negatively impacted and you need some direction. If they don't respond, time to see another provider?
    Please keep me posted and I'm sending you pain free wishes, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team

    1. thank you for being so open and honest about what you're going through right now. Life with migraine is not easy. And grief is anything but easy. I lost my mom in 2016 and I am still grieving her loss.

      Everyone grieves differently, so allow yourself the time and space to grieve however, whenever you need. People say that it comes in waves, and I have found that to be true as well.

      One thing that has really helped me over the years is taking deep breaths. I know it sounds so superficial, but it really has helped me get through some tough moments.

      If you're up for a book, Kris Carr recently released a great book on grief. It's called, "I'm not a mourning person." She has an audio version available so you can always just let it play in the background when you're laying down. She's got a great voice to listen to as well!

      As for your physical pain, I agree with Nancy that reaching out to your doctor may be helpful. Personally I would let them know the situation as see if there's anything that can offer to help.

      I'm also a big believer in bodywork - especially when dealing with both physical and emotional pain. I've done acupuncture for years and love it. I know that it's not for everyone but if it's of interest to you, it could be worth a try!

      In the meantime, please keep up posted on your progress and know that we're your invisible army behind you every day!

      - Alene, moderator

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