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Migraine started at 37 years old above right eye


So I started getting migraines at 37 years old (now Im 3😎 when I'd be late in eating my next meal. This had never ever happened before in my life.

After visiting my doctor and bloodwork, it was determined that everything was fine and that I did not have Hypoglycaemia.

I was prescribed a medication to help (forgot the name but it definitely helped) when migraines appeared.

Ultimately I want to figure out why Im all of a sudden getting these migraines and how I can go back to not having them. As stated the only trigger is being late in eating my next meal and/or missing a meal.

Thanks for the help!


  1. Hi ,

    Thank you for reaching out and sharing your story with us. Good to the doctor checked you out and everything is in order.

    The thing about migraine is it's thought to be a genetic, neurological disease and is diagnosed by exclusion of other conditions. An accurate diagnosis is achieved after the doctor gives you a complete exam, goes over your history and symptoms. Good to know it's not hypoglycemia or anything else more sinister.

    Many people think having a migraine attack means you're vomiting and need to be in a dark room, isolated from the world. That's not always the case. Migraine falls on a spectrum, from mild to severely debilitating and everything in between! There are many of us who walk around day in and day out with migraine pain, I'm sorry to say.

    Migraine attacks are typically "triggered" by something. It sounds like in your case skipping meals is a strong trigger. The migraine brain thrives on routine! This means keeping a regular eating and sleeping routine, staying hydrated and avoiding stress when possible. Too much or too little sleep, and/or a sleep disorder can trigger attacks in some people. Certain foods may as well, however not everyone with migraine has food triggers.

    If we have four or fewer attacks a month, these are usually treated with acute migraine specific medications to stop attacks. These include triptans and CGRP medications. Let me share a bit of information on these; Treating episodic migraine attacks (14 or fewer attacks a month) is important. If not treated appropriately, episodic attacks can transform into chronic (15 or more attacks a month) fairly quickly. I say this not to alarm you, rather so you can keep an eye on things!!

    I'll stop for now, I've given you a lot to think about! Will you let me know what you think?
    Wishing you a low pain day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Advocate/Moderator

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