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Ye I get loads iv had then everyday since 10th June - about 3 days ago and it just stopped, it’s crazy I can’t stand it ! Nothing works, being sent for injections on 16th July now to try Botox treatment.

  1. - I'm really sorry to hear about your ongoing struggle with migraines. Experiencing daily migraines can be incredibly exhausting and disruptive to daily life. But I'm glad to hear that your migraines have eased up recently. Hang in there, and keep focusing on finding solutions that work for you. Your determination and willingness to explore treatments like Botox are steps toward better managing your migraines. Please sign back on and tell us how treatment with Botox is going. Sending you thoughts of health and well-being. Rebecca (team member)

    1. Oh my . That was a long time to have a migraine. From June 10th til about July 7th!!! Oh no. Did you go to the ER to get some help? I see that nothing has really helped you much. What are some things that you have tried? I am glad to hear that you will be starting Botox. I hope that this will help you. I too tried Botox years back. It did work well for about 1.5 years and then slowly stopped for me. Hoping that you will get some relief from it. I wanted to share this article so you can read a little about Botox, in case you have never seen it or read about Botox, possible side effects, ingredients, contraindications, etc. It has lots of great information on Botox. Sending you the best for better days to come!! (Tonya, team member).

      1. Yip reading all that does put me off because it’s so fake and doesn’t cure or help me find out why I get the pain so bad for so so long, I am so fed up with it it’s a terrible way to live and the not knowing when they are going to start again. I already cancelled an appointment because I was afraid to go ahead. I often thought about Oxygen, as once in hospital I was given it because they said my oxygen levels were low. You can actually but small canisters off Amazon iv seen them, but then the pain starts I just want knocked out until the pain stops, it’s so life wasting, I bought a full head mask off Amazon’s it can be put in the fridge to cool it’s full of gel or heated up, it’s good for hiding my eyes from light, and I have a 4head lemonmenthol stick from the chemist as natural helpers, I wish I knew the root cause to stop them I hate it so much my mood changes terrible with them to and I everything everything and can only think negatively when have the migraine it’s like a mental torture illness it so not fair, and iv prayed forever for God to stop them.

      2. I am sorry you are going through this. I have bought peppermint (nasal stick) to breathe it in. Helps with the nausea a bit. I have tried essential oils to the forehead and under the nose/on the wrists also. I have not used to cooling gels on my head or neck, but many do for migraine relief. I actually prefer heat. I know, it may sound strange, but...I say to use what works for you. There are some who have benefited from oxygen therapy. I do know that it can be prescribed or cluster headaches. Here is an article in which one member told here story on how she got it and how it worked: Who knows, it may work for you. With migraine, we can try to find some of the triggers and eliminate those, but, many may never know why they started and if they will ever be truly free of them. Hopefully, as time goes on, there will be more research into migraine disease and a cure. Til then, hang on and do what you can to treat as best as you can. I look forward to hearing on if the Botox, or anything else, helps you. (Tonya, team member).

    2. I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. It sounds really tough.
      Hopefully, the Botox treatment brings you some relief on the 16th.

      1. Absolutely agree - thanks for supporting others in the community, Benjamin. I hope gets results from the Botox. With suggestion, having a day to go back home afterward and relax in a dark room with an ice pack would benefit her. Wishing you well. Rebecca (team member)

      2. thanks for the after care advice xx

    3. Just a quick one as I have to go - but my first botox treatment I though...what did I do, this hurts more than the migraine. Prepare your ice pack, bed, etc. and a day to rest. It will feel better after a day or two. Then after the next treatment I felt relief. It took down the number of days I had migraines really well. Worked for me. Best wishes and will be thinking of you. Stick with this!


      1. thanks I’m not looking forward to it I wouldn’t even take the Covid vaccine so .., not an easy decision x

      2. thank you for sharing your Botox experience. I can say that after each dose, my head was very sore and I felt like I had huge knots. Lol. Taking medication to relieve that pain and rest, were definitely in order. Are you currently still getting Botox injections? (Tonya, team member).

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