G'day everyone,
I had a motorcycle accident about 5 years ago which caused nerve damage to C3-C7 vertebrates inclusive as well as a crushed T5 vertebrae and since then have suffered migraines almost twice a week as a minimum.
I have been to a Neurosurgeon then referred to a Neurologist, GP, Pain Specialist, Osteopath, Physiotherapist, done hydrotherapy and gym therapy to strengthen neck and back muscles as well as core muscles. Had MRI's, CT scans SPEC CT scans X-Rays.
I have been on a range of medications for the pain and nerve damage with MSContin and Lyrica the main staples these days. Topomax, however has been helping (supposedly) with the constant migraines and Relpax helping somewhat if i can grab the migraine in time to help it dissapate. I also have three monthly botox sessions to combat these migraines and having 32 injections each session.
I am soooo over taking all these medications and being used as a pin cushion just to try and get some relief and some quality of life back.
Which is the reason for my post
I would like to find out if anyone else has had their "Daith" (ridge inside the ear) pierced to help with migraines/headaches? I have had mine done on the 17th June. I cant find any medical or scientific proof that this type of treatment works. Only other peoples comments.
I was due to have another botox treatment on the 28th June but I have put that back till early august to give this alternative method a chance to prove itself.
As of this post, it has now been 18 days since having the piercing and although I was a bit sceptical, I was willing to give it a try so I could start to distance myself from the medicinal world. I can safely say that I have not had a migraine since the day of my piercing. Not even a hint of a headache. For all I know it could be a placebo BUT i don't care if it is. What ever it is, it seems to be working.
I would love to hear from other people who have had the same done and others that may be considering it.
I am not affiliated with any piercing or body modding shop/premise. I'm just a person who is happy to be migraine free even if it's for a short while. 😀 *Thumbs Up*