First off, welcome to the community! We are glad you are here. I'm sorry you are struggling with migraine. I've had migraine attacks since my teens, and three of my daughters also suffer from them. We are not able to offer medical advice here, but we can provide you with excellent resources and our experience to help you find ways to manage your attacks and symptoms. Have you seen a doctor yet to get an initial assessment of what you are experiencing? I see you have tried a few of the natural methods. Ice and or heat can provide some people relief from the pain of an attack and ginger in various forms can be helpful for nausea. Many sufferers seek out a quiet,cool, dark space to ride out an attack. Here is a good link to help you get started with different treatment options.
If you need help locating a specialist in your area here is a good link for you and your parents to use.
I hope this helps you get started. Remember you are not alone in this and you deserve to be seen, heard, and understood. We are here to support and guide you along your journey. One final piece for you, here is a great article that talks about migraine to really help you understand this beast.
Let us know how you are progressing moving forward. Warmly, Cheryl team