Hi all. Question: I went off oral contraceptives as of 10/30. I got a 40 hour stubborn on/off migraine from the hormone shift. Then for the first time since age 10 or 11, I did not have a migraine for TWENTY SEVEN DAYS. Although, this past weekend, I experienced a silent migraine with dizziness/nausea/vertigo. I just got my first painful migraine an hour ago. Has anyone experienced them fading/coming back after BC? Am I now going to be in for my usual amount every month ? Is the vacay over? Or should I maybe expect less? -Also, back to the silent migraine. I get these 1-2x year. There is no pain but low low grade nausea and dizziness and moderate pressure in head 4pm until bed every night. Once I sleep, I’m great in AM. Then it starts all over. Can last 2-6 days in a row. Any advice?! This time I actually got a moderate wave of nausea first (I’d be running around doing xmas lights) and then the rest came. Nausea relaxed as I laid down w some crackers. And no, not preg lol.