Hi! I’m trapped in a migraine cycle
Woke up Mon morning w a bad one. Aleve killed it. Woke up Wed with a bad one. Advil killed it. Came back late afternoon, took Nurtec as a preventative/abortive.
Got one Thu afternoon. Advil killed it right before bed. Woke up Friday in pain. Took nothing. Nurtec as a preventative later on killed it. (I take it every other day). Woke up today in pain. Took nothing. Nurtec helped later today and works 24-36 hours. I’ve never had this happen while on Botox. I have very rarely had it come back after an Advil dose. Once or twice in my life I’d get repeated migraines in the afternoons and eventually get an infusion. I am stressed about a new job but have been stressed before and not had this. Nurtec kills it for 24-36 hours and it returns. Any advice? Has anyone had this (espec while on Botox?) Ty for listening! Please reassure me that Nurtec is a good preventative and is not causing rebound. I am trying to not use any Advil for now to see if that is what is causing it. Wondering if a Tylenol infusion at doc may be needed. Ty again! Any advice helps.