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Noi H
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Does anyone get red and dropped eyelid with migraine? Is it normal?
Cody Leach Community Admin
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Hi there
Noi H Member
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Hi Cody,
Thank you for the article, and yes is describe it exactly. However, I was diagnosed with cluster headache as well 3 yrs ago. I read on a website yes that migraine has association with a number of autonomic nervous system symptoms and some of it I get it.
Noi H Member
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Tracy Hannigan, MOstMed, ACE-HC Member
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Noi H Member
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Hi Tracy.
Thank you for response.
I get intense tingling in my limbs but mostly affect my left side-also painful arm with swollen hand - fingers on left.
Stiff neck. Light, smell, sound sensitivity. Slurred speech-or loss of speech, confusion. Red eye, facial sweating. Nasal congestion, or sometimes runny nose, nausea, faster heart rate. Unable to use my left side and numbness in my face, painful jaw. Dizziness. And of course crazy headache. Decreased consciousness.
Tracy Hannigan, MOstMed, ACE-HC Member
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Noi H Member
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Not really, but I have medications for those as nasal spray, painkiller, for blood pressure which helps with lowering heart rate, for nausea, and for others just sleep it off if I am lucky. But weakness still can go on next day. I learned to live with it and even is challenging but makes my spirit stronger.
Thank you for this forum and opportunity to share.
Can I ask what's the avarage age for migraine to disappear for good.?
Tracy Hannigan, MOstMed, ACE-HC Member
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I think it's great you have taken the view that the challenge makes you stronger. I agree with that - I ask myself: If I can't make it go away (which I'd prefer to do) how can I grow from it or use the experience in some way?
I don't know if there's an average age - my impression is that it's wildly variable. I know for some people who have a 'menstrual migraine', there's a shift when menopause hits so that average is about 50/51 years of age. But I know some people whose migraine has simply stopped, some for whom it continues, some for whom the type changes.. I had a little look and the Cleveland Clinic says that 20-70% of people with 'chronic migraine' transform back to episodic migraine as they get older, which I hope is some hope for people. I imagine the answer is very tricky to really know with much specificity.
Keep on coming back for support and community - we're glad you are part of our little support corner of the interwebs !!
Best wishes, Tracy (Team Member)