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Has anyone tried the external migraine device for treating migraine called Relivion?

  1. Hi there- thanks so much for your question. I can't find much information on our site re: this device except a mention of it in this article: Are you using or considering its use? We'd certainly be interested in learning from you, if so. Warmly- Holly team.

    1. Thanks for your question. I have a Relivion device, and I love it. I don't know anyone else that has tried it, but it has been a game-changer for me. It can be used as a preventive and/or acute treatment. I use it every day. It brings my pain level intensity down. Here is a link to their website.
      This should answer some of your questions. If you want to ask me anything else about Relivion, feel free to reach out to me.
      Peggy ( team)

      1. I have been looking at this. I like that it gets the neck and forehead. I understand you can try it for 90 days. Would you say you are getting fewer migraines as well as less pain?

        1. That's great to hear that it sounds like it'll be a good fit for you - and that there's a trial period. That's always helpful, to make sure that you're investing in something that will be effective. I'm tagging in this post to make sure that she sees our question about its effectiveness in reducing the frequency and intensity of pain. I'm curious to know her answer as well!
          Alene, Team Member

      2. Thanks so much Alene. I am looking for anyone who has tried this to see what their experience was/is.

        1. Hi again- since we don't have a ton of information on this device- I'm sending an external link re: a study re: efficacy that was performed on this device. Perhaps you've already seen it: Have you tried any other migraine devices like Gammacore? Warmly - Holly - team

        2. we would love to hear your experience if you decide to get one!
          Alene, Team Member

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