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Sharing and Support Groups

The Look AHeads Migraine & Headache Group is located in Birmingham MI.

We are seeking to share, help, and be helped. This group is for sufferers, family, and friends.

Thank you,


  1. What a nice concept... I'm going to look for one in the L.A. area and cross my fingers. I'm just getting started with accepting that I'm not alone, that there is help, and that I have a 'health issue' that is not just all in my head, so to speak!

    Have a great day & thanks !

    1. Its been a journey to get to this point. But my unofficial mantra is the destination takes care of itself when you focus on the journey. So, this is the least I can do. I hope you're successful.


      1. Hi guys,

        That's great that you attend migraine and headache disorder support groups. I facilitate the Western New York Migraine and Headache Disorder Support Group. We have monthly meetings for people and their loved ones who are affected by migraine and headaches!


        1. Anyone know a support group in the northern KY/Cincinnati area? I've tried to look online, but I've had a migraine for a month and it is confusing. Thanks!

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