About six months ago my headaches had been getting worse very quickly. Not responding to medication nothing would help. I got nervous and finally went to my primary care dr when I experienced severe vertigo. After 3 months of many visits crying in pain i was finally referred to my Neurologist who diagnosed me with Chronic Migraines.
I finally had answers to my many symptoms and was put on Topomax. Throughout all of this i was missing a lot of work unable to get to work or having to lie down in the break room because my vertigo got so bad. I was terrified of loosing my job so my primary care had me fill out FMLA papers. I was approved for intermittent FMLA and I was excited to not worry about my absences.
Boy was I wrong my migraines continued to get worse. I work in a sales goal environment and have gone from a top performer who loved my job. To falling so for behind I have no hope to catch up. FMLA protects my absences not my performance. I used to love my job but I feel sick just thinking about work and I know I'm going to loose my job if I don't change something. I have spoken to my manager about options but got nowhere. I have been taken off of Topomax because it did not help at all. I stopped all over the counter meds they are no help. Imitrex is no longer any help when the migraine starts. All I think about is quitting my job because I can't take the stress and pressure or stepping down to part time. But I don't want to loose half of my household income. My husband has been supportive, but I know he doesn't truly understand how bad I feel.
I just want my migraines to be under control, I have a lumbar puncture scheduled soon. I'm getting pressure at work about my absences and have been told I will be having a "conversation" about it on my next scheduled day.
Daily chronic migraines are unbearable.