Karen Curry,
I too have issues with sugar. However, it's not the sugar that is the issue. Sugar is an integral part of our bodies and how our metabolism works. We can't survive without it. That said, it is usually the fluctuations in blood sugar that eating sugar causes, that is the trigger. If artificial sweeteners aren't a problem for you, then maybe sticking with what works is the best thing to do for now.
That said, if your body is fluctuating greatly when you eat sugar, you could have the start of blood sugar problems. These can be helped by a good doctor and conscientious management. The idea in controlling my own personal blood sugar issues, is to try to keep things on an even keel. This means nibbling throughout the day, as this keeps my blood sugar on a more even level. Never eat sugar on an empty stomach or after I haven't eaten for a while. I always start eating with a fiber, or protein. Anything but sugar.
Have you seen a doctor and asked about potential blood sugar fluctuations??