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I’ve been taking sumatriptan for years. Has anyone noticed weight gain as a possible side effect of triptans? I’m very interested in this info.

  1. Thank you for reaching out to the community with your question. I've not noticed weight gam and I've been using sumatriptan nasal spray for a while. Of course that doesn't mean it's not possible.

    I'm sure others will be along shortly to share their experiences with you. Wishing you a low pain day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team

    1. - Hi there- thanks so much for checking in about this. I have been taking triptans for years and have not noticed. this. I did some checking on our site to see if there was mention of triptans and weight gain and could not find mention of the two issues together. As I'm sure you know, there are so many reasons for weight gain in our bodies at various times in our lives. If there's nothing else you can tie your weight gain to except the introduction of the triptan - and it is troubling you- it would certainly make good sense for you to address this with your doctor. Weight gain is an unfortunate side effect of many migraine medications (are you on any other medications?) and this issue causes us to have to decide whether the side effects outweigh the benefits. An individual decision that often has to do with the kind of relief the specific medication offers. Is the triptan helping you manage your migraine attacks successfully? Thinking of you- Holly ( team).

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