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XR Epigenetics

I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this company. It is rather expensive so I'm wary of trying it, but I haven't gotten any help from the last couple of headache specialists I have seen and I am looking to try something new.

  1. Hi Erin,

    Thank you for your questions. I don't anything other than what I've seen online. Hopefully others will be along shortly and lend their experiences with you.

    I wonder if the headache specialists you've seen are "true" migraine/headache experts. Many doctors claim to be experts because they treat so many people with migraine and headache, but just treating them doesn't necessarily make them experts. What makes a doctor an expert in migraine and headache is being board certified in headache medicine, which is different than being certified in neurology. It's not that neurologists aren't good doctors, rather they have a hard time being experts in one area because they treat so many different conditions such as stroke, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and others. True migraine/headache experts are just that, experts in one area and treat one condition all day, every day - migraine and headache. If you haven't seen this information on how these doctors are different and how to find one here you go; and 2.

    Let me know what you think!

    1. Erin, just hearing about this company. Did you find out anything about them? Thank you for the information!

      1. Hi Teena,

        I haven't found out anything, but Allison another member has. You can read her response here;

        I am interested if you found out anything as well. I was fascinated with their approach because I just got tested and am positive for the MTHFR gene (40% of the population is) and wonder if that's why medications haven't worked for me. I agree with them that hormones and nutrition and genetics probably all are related. But as I was talking to them in the initial call, I was given a good sales pitch. Then I did the consult with the doctor and did some research and found out he's an opthamologist who found out accidentally this helps migraines because some of his macular deg
        eneration patients got better. His research sample is very small. He also split off from the doctor who actually came up with the theory. And it costs $2300 for the first 3 months of the program and that doesn't cover hormone testing or medication, and of course it will take longer than 3 months...I only found complaints on the internet. I am looking for an Integrative/functional headache specialist who might be able to do something similar. Would love to hear if anyone knows of anyone.

        If looking for the MTHFR blood test, any doctor an order that. And from what I understand, and I may be wrong, having one mutation, as I have, doesn't have much impact. It's when there are two or more mutations that can be a problem.

        Happy Holidays,

    2. I am interested if you found out anything as well. I was fascinated with their approach because I just got tested and am positive for the MTHFR gene (40% of the population is) and wonder if that's why medications haven't worked for me. I agree with them that hormones and nutrition and genetics probably all are related. But as I was talking to them in the initial call, I was given a good sales pitch. Then I did the consult with the doctor and did some research and found out he's an opthamologist who found out accidentally this helps migraines because some of his macular degeneration patients got better. His research sample is very small. He also split off from the doctor who actually came up with the theory. And it costs $2300 for the first 3 months of the program and that doesn't cover hormone testing or medication, and of course it will take longer than 3 months...I only found complaints on the internet. I am looking for an Integrative/functional headache specialist who might be able to do something similar. Would love to hear if anyone knows of anyone.

      1. Hi Allison,

        I know more about this company now, thank you!

        As I said to Teena, if someone is looking to be tested for the MTHFR gene, any doctor can order that. And from what I understand, and I may be wrong, having one mutation, as I have, doesn’t have much impact. It’s when there are two or more mutations that can be a problem.

        Over $760/month for an unproven treatment is a bit ridiculous in my mind. Botox copayments may be less as well as using Cefaly and/or TMS Spring devices...


    3. I joined the program in spring 2016 and could write a book about my experience, but will try to keep it simple. Migraines became chronic for me 3 yrs ago due mostly to perimenopause, and I liked this program's approach to using genetic/food testing, supplements and hormone replacement therapy. I am very sensitive to weather changes since my hormones started going crazy and was upfront about this.
      After more than six months on the program, I am no better, perhaps a bit worse. I gained 8 lbs. (I'm in good shape, size 6, so this really showed) due to a period of time where I was given doses of hormones much higher than what I'd been given by a top hormone doc.During that period I also experienced extreme tiredness and bloating.
      They now seem baffled as to why this isn't working for me, and seem to be suggesting I'm some type of oddball due to my weather sensitivity, calling it "extremely rare" that weather is a "primary driver." I think you need look no further than this website to see that's not true! And I was upfront about the fact I experience relief in certain climates, and was not told this would be a problem.THeir latest advice to me was to "relocate." Gee, never thought of that! Well worth $2,000!!

      There are some pros: very dedicated, caring staff/drs. will get back to you right away and reallydo want to help
      Wonderful dietician who assists with food issues, but I really didn't have anything much with food, and am still puzzled why my tests showed sensitivity to about 10 foods I have never had or haven't had in decades
      My periods have become less heavy
      I learned of genetic SNPs I had and will always have this information (would have been much cheaper to do 23andme test)
      Cons (other than already mentioned):
      Costly, very costly
      If things don't work, it will be you, not them at fault (it's menopause not hormones causing weight gain, despite fact your weight gain happened in conjunction with program start; it's not that the program failed, it's that you are a freak patient)

      Having said that, I have made a friend in the program and she has seen great results, and calls it a miracle. I guess it's a gamble, if you want to risk time and money. Feel free to ask any questions.

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