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Yawning during migraines?

Do you notice excessive yawning during migraines? I have for years and it makes no difference how much or little sleep I've had. I wonder if it relates to processing of oxygen and Co2?

  1. Hi there! Thanks so much for this interesting question. The answer is YES! We actually already have some resources on this topic as we've had folks write about it previously. I'll share this one with you and also draw your attention to the many community comments that follow the article as they are interesting and will help you see you are not alone:
    That said, I'm not clear there is an actual answer in there as to why it happens. To that end, I did a little research on this and found this research article whose theory seems to be echoed a fair bit online. It has to do with a dip in dopamine during the prodrome phase of migraine: Hope you find this useful. Thanks again for chiming in! Let us know if you have any additional questions. So glad you're with us. Warmly- Holly team.

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