Nancy, it's a moot subject now as I got another doctor to prescribe it for me. Perhaps "abortive" was the wrong word. Zyprexa can be taken when a migraine seems to be coming back (and I get a lot of those migraine that go into an endless spiral). The Zyprexa stops that, and you can go on with your life.
My clinic will only give me Decadron once a quarter (something to do with too many steroids causing cataracts). The also prescribe vasoconstrictors to take for several days. And there is a muscle relaxant with another drug that they give me that sometimes works. Zyprexa is for the times when they aren't going to give me the good stuff. (They are very careful, so I don't fault them.) I don't want any IV infusions unless I'm hospitalized and that has to be for the worst sort of stubborn migraines. I was hospitalized in October for migraines that went on one after the other for four weeks!
Normally, I have plenty of triptans as abortives for regular migraines.
Also, not sure why you think I'm looking for a new doctor. My doctor is fantastic. Very caring and works WITH me rather than lecturing to me. There was a time I was rudderless, when my old migraine doctor retired. But I found my current one at the same clinic I go to; some other docs there recommended him to me. Just because he didn't know about Zyprexa doesn't mean he's someone I'd leave. In all other regards, he's a top doctor.
Maybe I'm not clear when I post things.