Is This Migraine or Stroke? When New and Unusual Symptoms Require Immediate Evaluation
I’ve navigated chronic migraine for the majority of my life. In the process, I’ve become clear on my specific set of migraine symptoms.
Was I having a stroke or was it migraine?
Recently, I had a migraine attack that appeared with a sudden new symptom I’d never before experienced. One of my eyes wouldn’t focus. Years ago, we lost a dear family friend to a stroke who was close to my age. It was shocking and unexpected. At the time, I familiarized myself with the symptoms of stroke.
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View all responsesIf you’ve ever researched the symptoms of stroke - you will see that many are similar to those of migraine. When I realized this, I decided to create a safety plan so that if I ever experienced a migraine attack that presented differently, I would have a plan of action to follow.
What are the symptoms of stroke?
The symptoms of stroke can include the sudden emergence of the following:1
- Face drooping – one-sided (eye, cheek, or lips)
- Arm weakness – generally if you ask the person to raise both arms to shoulder height, one arm seems lower than the other
- Slurred speech – or they are speaking in an unintelligible way
- Trouble understanding others or speaking coherently
- Confusion, having trouble seeing, or walking
- A painful headache
- Numbness on their face, arm, legs, or a specific side of their body
How are the symptoms similar?
Here’s how the symptoms of migraine can be similar to those of stroke:
- Hemiplegic migraine can cause the face to droop.2
- People with migraine have reported muscle weakness following migraine attacks.2
- Many people with migraine experience aphasia (slurred speech, difficulty speaking) during an attack.
- Brain fog is also a common symptom of migraine which can manifest with people having difficulty following conversations.
- Vertigo is a symptom of vestibular migraine.3
- Head pain is a symptom of migraine.
- 1 in 4 people with migraine experience aura symptoms such as numbness and tingling.4
Know your normal attack symptoms
It’s important and helpful to pay attention to your normal set of symptoms and make note of them. Once you are familiar with your symptoms, it’s easier to notice when/if you experience something new or different.
Choose a helper in advance
Armed with my particular list of symptoms, I chose a trustworthy loved one on whom I can rely if I’m ever in need. I chose my mother, not only because we are close, but also because she was a nurse practitioner in her career. We reviewed my list of migraine symptoms as well as the symptoms of stroke. I explained that I’d like to be able to call her if I ever experience a new symptom and am unclear about what to do.
How did I handle a new stroke-like symptom?
Recently, I was having a typical migraine attack and I suddenly noticed my eye would not focus. I remembered challenges with vision being on the potential list of stroke symptoms.
I called my mother and reminded her of our plan and told her about my vision change. Because of her background as a healthcare practitioner, she asked me a number of questions and evaluated my capability to speak and think clearly. We went through the rest of the stroke symptom list and discussed whether or not I should go to the ER.
Time is of the essence
Ultimately, when it comes to stroke, time is of the essence. Therefore, if you are experiencing any symptoms that are new to you that are on the list of stroke symptoms - it’s generally the best idea to call 911 and tell them you believe you are experiencing a stroke.
In my case, this situation occurred during a business day. My mother encouraged me to call my migraine specialist to see if I could get a quick phone consultation. She also came over to be with me. She checked my eyes and noted that everything seemed normal. My doctor called and asked what medications I had taken for my attack that day and the day before. He also evaluated my cognitive capabilities as we spoke. He surmised that I could’ve been dehydrated due to my anti-nausea medication and advised me to rest and call back in an hour. He said that if my symptoms continued or worsened, I should go to the ER. However, within that hour, my vision improved.
Create a safety plan
I was glad to have a safety plan in place to have avoided trying to navigate this situation on my own. If I had been unable to reach my mother and my doctor, I would’ve called 911.
Stroke is the last thing anyone wants to think about, but it’s important to consider and create a plan of action ahead of time to be safe.
Have you ever thought about the overlap in symptoms between migraine and stroke? Do you have a safety plan in place to help you through this situation? We welcome your thoughts on this topic in the comment section below.
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