Nerve Block Injections to Treat My Chronic PainI recently started seeing a pain specialist for my chronic migraine and chronic back pain. While I have tried almost everything for my migraine pain, there is still a lot...Reactions0reactionsComments11 comments
Migraine: The Gift That Keeps On Giving!I often look at migraine as a gift that keeps on giving! Not to be overly fatalistic or negative, but truly, if you live with migraine, have you ever wondered...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Hormones: The Silent TriggerIf you’ve read my previous posts, then you know I’ve had great success in reducing migraines by changing my diet. I’ve found relief and freedom from unpredictable, debilitating migraines by...Reactions0reactionsComments28 comments
Trying Oral Preventives That Target CGRPAfter my migraine attacks got temporarily worse on an injectable CGRP medication a few years ago, I’ve been hesitant to try another one. My headache specialist urged me to because...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Alternative Gift Ideas to Give Loved Ones with MigraineThere are many holidays and celebrations in which people love to give gifts to those they care about. Many with migraine disease, though, cannot eat certain things like chocolate. Some...Reactions0reactionsComments7 comments
Is Crying Triggering My Migraine Attacks?There’s a popular saying that goes, “It’s the little things in life that matter most.” It’s one of those phrases that follows you from kiddom until adulthood, buried in your...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
Organizing with Chronic MigraineLiving with chronic migraine affects everyday living in so many ways. One of these ways is when it comes to trying to organize your home. I am currently cleaning out...Reactions0reactionsComments16 comments
You’re Resting, You’re Not LazyI grew up busy. I was always doing some activity, whether it was at home or outside of the home. Even as a kid I looked at rest as being...Reactions0reactionsComments20 comments
Missing a Dose of My SSRI Triggered a MigraineI couldn't believe it, but I was having an aura. I hadn’t had a migraine in years, and now, on a random February morning, I was getting an aura. I...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Managing Mood Changes or Suicidal Ideation as a Medication Side EffectA handful of migraine preventive medications have a slight risk of mood changes, including depression and even suicidal ideation, as a potential side effect. Even though the risk of experiencing...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Chronic Migraine and Chronic Back PainI am in the process of renewing my social security disability. As part of this process, I had to see a doctor that they chose. During this appointment, the doctor...Reactions0reactionsComments69 comments
How Trigger Stacking Affects My MigrainesWhile doing some reading on dog training, I came across an interesting term called trigger stacking. It refers to the process of small stressors adding up and overwhelming the dog...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
My Book Review: "The End of Migraines: 150 Ways to Stop Your Pain"I read the book The End of Migraines: 150 Ways to Stop Your Pain by Alexander Mauskop, MD. What did I think of it? Did it help me better understand...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Chronic Migraine Does Not Mean We Are Weak Or Less ThanChronic migraine brings us to our knees regularly. Quite literally, many of us find ourselves on our knees, getting sick to our stomachs, and begging for mercy from the severe...Reactions0reactionsComments41 comments
Take a Migraine BreakWe know that spending long hours at a desk isn’t helpful or productive for our health. Yet, in the reality of our daily lives, it’s easy to get lost in...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Don’t Judge Me by My Mobility AidsI have chronic migraine and suffer from severe vertigo on and off. It was actually vertigo that led to the migraine diagnosis many years ago. I guess I must be...Reactions0reactionsComments16 comments
Knee Surgery, Migraine, and OpioidsFor as long as I can remember, there has been a debate over the use of opioids for those with migraine. Obviously, this means that some people believe opioids can...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
A Migraine Free New YearI love New Year’s Resolutions. I love fresh starts. I love setting goals. What I don’t love is the pressure or expectation that you must do everything perfectly from this...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
My Live Account of MigraineHere are my live thoughts as I succumbed to a migraine attack yesterday. I’ve always wanted to be able to look back and get a feeling of what it was...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Migraine Cycles: The Good, The Bad, and The UGLY (Part 3)There are many factors that feed the beast I call migraine disease. Migraine is a very personal and individualistic neurological disease. I must remember this from time to time because...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments