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"i recently established a new primary care physician and she's been going through my health history to try and have a better understanding of everything going on with me and my body. as more and more information surfaces from my past i'm realizing that basically all my health problems have always just been written off and dismissed and ignored as puberty or hormones or something i'd grow out of.
i'm starting to wonder if migraine hasn't become the new catch-all excuse that my doctors and i use to ignore or dismiss medical problems in my adult life. i know that migraine is a very complex problem on its own, but there are other things that could very well be going on with me.
when your migraine affects every aspect of your life, how do you know the difference between something that's migraine-related and something that's not?"


"i recently established a new primary care physician and she's been going through my health history to try and have a better understanding of everything going on with me and my body. as more and more information surfaces from my past i'm realizing that basically all my health problems have always just been written off and dismissed and ignored as puberty or hormones or something i'd grow out of.
i'm starting to wonder if migraine hasn't become the new catch-all excuse that my doctors and i use to ignore or dismiss medical problems in my adult life. i know that migraine is a very complex problem on its own, but there are other things that could very well be going on with me.
when your migraine affects every aspect of your life, how do you know the difference between something that's migraine-related and something that's not?"

About metaloochie

  • Member Since 2018