So so tiredSo so tired. All I can do is chalk it up to the changing of the seasons and perhaps a hint of brain fatigue: in the last couple of weeks...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
Expert Answer: Muscle Relaxants & MigraineQuestion: Any advice on the best time of day to take Flexeril for migraine? I am on 10 mg to avoid grinding/clenching, especially at night, and I have such a...Reactions0reactionsComments26 comments
Weather: Your worst migraine triggerAs part of our “in a word series” we recently asked the community to let us know: “In a word, what is your worst migraine trigger: ________" As’s...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
Using a migraine diary can be a real wake-up callIn the last several months, I’ve not been keeping up with my health and lifestyle regime as well as I should. (I’ve talked about falling off the wagon a couple...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
When triggers invade your relaxation time...Any of you who’ve had to (or chosen to) ask for special accommodation due to your migraine disease know how frustrating and upsetting it can be when your needs are...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
What Do Female Hormones Have to Do with Pain & Pain Medications?We've known for a long time that women and men experience pain differently and that women experience certain pain conditions like migraine disease more frequently than men. We also know...Reactions0reactionsComments7 comments
Memorable Migraine Episode 2: Adventures in PanamaFor some reason, my sweet BFF (who lives across the sea) always seems to be with me during a migraine. I have a couple of theories on this, one of...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Migraine & Gastroparesis: Nausea, Vomiting and DiarrheaAlthough migraine disease is typically thought of as a pain condition, there are other very distinctive symptoms of migraine, including stomach problems. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are very common among...Reactions0reactionsComments39 comments
Migraine Triggers: Food Triggers & Elimination DietsWhile it is uncommon for migraineurs to find that true food allergies are triggers for their attacks, food intolerances as triggers are incredibly common. One way to find out whether...Reactions0reactionsComments29 comments
YOU are your healthcare provider.Sometimes people write to me about how lost they feel when coping with migraine, how unarmed and uneducated they are. Friends who also cope with migraine disease confide that they...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
What's your migraine story?In just seven months since the launch of, hundreds of you have shared your story with the community. We have been overwhelmed by the response, as well as the...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Is MSG a Migraine Trigger?Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is an additive in many recipes, cuisines, and canned foods. It is considered a “flavor enhancer,” an ingredient added in very small amounts to improve the flavor...Reactions0reactionsComments25 comments
What Michele Bachmann has taught us about the politics of migraineReports that presidential candidate and Congressional representative Michele Bachmann has migraines has brought forth a tangled set of heady issues for people with migraine, including stigma, discrimination, sexism, and political...Reactions0reactionsComments7 comments
Is it stigmatizing to have migraine?Is it stigmatizing to have migraine? I’m guessing that a lot of you would say yes. But, despite the huge amount of attention to the stigma of having other diseases...Reactions0reactionsComments23 comments
"We're dealing with two different illnesses"Last week I got the pleasure—at last!—of meeting some of my longtime blogger friends. Most of the faces were familiar since I’ve seen most bloggers’ photos before, but it was...Reactions0reactionsComments29 comments
Migraine Triggers: DehydrationDehydration is an often overlooked Migraine trigger. For some Migraineurs — and I’m one of them — even mild dehydration can trigger a terrible Migraine. It’s unfortunate that dehydration is...Reactions0reactionsComments12 comments
Special Report: Migraine TriggersIdentifying migraine triggers is a crucial, yet challenging, part of migraine management. As we know, although there are some migraine triggers that are more common than others, they can vary...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
Want more attention to be paid to migraine? Start by sharing your story.Early in the morning on June first, I was stumbling about a hotel room in Washington, D.C., trying to get dressed and make coffee in the semi-dark as my sister...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
Driving As a Migraine TriggerThose of us with migraine disease sometimes find ourselves in a tough situation when driving or riding in a car triggers a migraine. Some migraineurs have told me that they’re...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Where I Turn for Online SupportMany of the people visiting are new to the online migraine community. Thankfully, I feel as if where they’re starting—this website (or the connected Facebook page)—is a really great...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments