Realizing you're anxious only when it's too lateIn mid-January, I was invited to speak at a panel at the American Booksellers Association’s Winter Institute, a conference for independent booksellers. Because I ended up funding my business through...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Migraine Symptoms: Anger & IrritabilityAnger and irritability are some of the lesser-recognized symptoms of migraine disease. These symptoms are most often experienced during the prodome phase. The prodome phase comes before the migraine attack...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Update on Interventional Therapies For MigraineJust back from the 6th world congress of the World Institute of Pain meeting in Miami. I was excited to attend a symposium dedicated to interventional approaches to headache, including...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Brain Fog 101I’m reading a book — one of my very favorite things to do. I read the first sentence of a paragraph, and by the time I’m to the end of...Reactions0reactionsComments15 comments
Migraine is More Than Head Pain: The Many Symptoms of MigraineThose who have never had a migraine tend to think of it as a raging headache. While sympathetic folks may understand that the pain is awful, even they don't realize...Reactions0reactionsComments148 comments
Migraine Symptoms: Transient AphasiaIt can be a frightening and disconcerting experience to speak to someone and realize that what is coming out of our mouths sounds a bit like a golden retriever. This...Reactions0reactionsComments24 comments
10 Things to Know About Talking to Your Employer About MigraineThere are serious pros and cons involved in deciding whether to disclose your migraine disease to your employer, and a great deal is at stake. While you may be lucky...Reactions0reactionsComments7 comments
Take Two Aspirin and Pet Fido In The MorningChronic pain is common and miserable. Four of every ten patients seeing their primary care doctor for an appointment have pain as a complaint, most commonly affecting the back, head...Reactions0reactionsComments17 comments
The Migraine Dirty Dozen: 12 Things Not to Say to a Chronic MigraineurDear family and friends of chronic migraineurs; I write today to tell you what your loved ones probably will not — a list of the top things the migraineur in...Reactions0reactionsComments375 comments
Year in ReviewIt's hard to believe that, as I write this, 2012 is only hours away. The last months of my life have been among the most difficult and the most meaningful...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Migraine Research: Your Gift Can Go Twice As Far! Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, all new donations made this last week of the year (December 26-31, 2011) will be matched dollar-for-dollar! That means your gift...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
I've got to stop these meal-skippin' waysY’all, I have been a million times worse about not practicing what I preach than ever before. I haven’t been on more than a couple exercise walks all fall, and...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
Aspartame, a Potential Migraine TriggerAspartame is found in over 6,000 food products as well as in carbonated/non-carbonated beverages that contain artificial sweeteners, including diet soft drinks, sports drinks, iced tea, fruit drinks, and powdered...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Migraine Symptoms: Yawn, Yawn, Yawn"Stop yawning, or go take a nap for a few minutes." I can just hear my dad's voice, exasperated after my tenth yawn in a row (probably without covering my...Reactions0reactionsComments72 comments
When to See a Doctor for Your Migraine? Or the ER?With Migraines, there are times when one of our more difficult decisions can be whether we need to see a doctor. Or maybe we need to go to the emergency...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
Why does the Emergency Department treat me like a drug seeker?“Headache” pain is ranked as the #4 reason for Emergency Room visits in the United States, yet it is rarely a life threatening condition requiring emergent care or hospitalization. In...Reactions0reactionsComments18 comments
Sick animals and sick peopleMy little kitten, Wally (whom you’ve met before!), has not been herself lately. In early November she was spayed, and she never quite recovered. The spaying surgery put stress on...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
You've Been Denied: What Can You Do Now?Being denied by your insurance company for coverage of a treatment, procedure or medication can leave you feeling helpless. It feels as though insurance companies have all the power and...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Who are we, anyway?Many people in the headache community refer to a person who gets migraines as a ‘migraineur.’ I disagree. I strongly prefer the term ‘person with migraine.’ Which is a better...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments
What’s the Link? Socioeconomic Status and Chronic MigraineIn my last post, I talked about the link between income and migraine prevalence. In the United States, migraine prevalence is higher in the lower income and education strata. The...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments