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Headache on top of head and around forehead on left side

I am having on and off headaches for 2 weeks on one side alone. Yesterday it was very severe and I felt numbness kind of feeling around my face. I took naproxen 250. Although the headache reduce I can still feel numbness around head and face. Please confirm whether this can be migraine.

  1. Hi there- good question. It is not uncommon to experience numbness and/or tingling related to migraine. and

    That said, any symptom that is new to you should be reported and discussed with your doctor, preferably a migraine specialist.

    Lastly, because migraine is a complex neurological disease, it is possible to have neurological symptoms (numbness, sensitivity to light/sound, nausea and vomiting, aura, etc) with no head pain.

    Hope this helps and please stay in touch. So glad you're a part of our community!

    1. Thank you so much for your reply...

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