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Complicated Migraines

One year ago, I had an episode. No aura, no symptoms other than my pupils were unevenly dilated. My daughter said, 'what's wrong with your eyes? '. I thought I might be having a stroke but after seeing several neurologists & having tons of tests, they said you have complicated migraines. Meaning, we don't know why!

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Since then, I am getting worse with ocular & speech difficulty. I can't read like I used to love & I can't annunciate words. I was fired for not being able to see, although they phrased it "she is mentally, physically & emotionally incompetent that made me feel great! I've gotten new glasses, seen a dentist, massage, acupuncture, chiro, nothing stops them! I tried working out of my home for a realtor who, after 2 months, said I am slow, another nice ego boost! I take imitrex daily, but they only give me 9 -.25 mg per script. I have tried all the natural remedies, to ni avail. I am unemployed, no insurance, live alone & this has ruined my life. I changed my diet, etc. I believe these are ruining my lifestyle, I'm scared.

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