Wacky Old Migraine Lady

I'm the wacky old lady in our neighborhood.

I can't walk my dog without two pairs of sunglasses (sometimes three) and a wide brim hat. I use the cheap throw-away wrap-around glasses that the eye doctor gives you when they dilate your eyes. Inserting one or two pairs underneath my transitional lens really cuts back the glare. Unfortunately, it also cuts back on your vision too, but if I need to be outdoors, this is the only way it happens.

Hats for migraine

I have a variety of hats too. My favorite is a very wide brim straw hat from Texas. But I also have my mom's plantation hat, gardening hats, and good ole baseball caps. The trick is to keep all sun from hitting my eyes. Gives me a funny tan... a white face, tanned arms, but who cares if we're talking mega pain from migraines.

Current treatment plan

I've had migraines for 57 years, and now I'm trying to push them back down to only 20 days a month. March was my worse at 27 days. Now I'm on Aimovig, Botox, and sumatriptan and seeing a slight decrease down to 23 days. In spite of this constant barrage of pain, I am quite happy.


Thanks to migraines and fibromyalgia I've learned to really enjoy simple things and look for joy shots all day. I now call this attitude "mindful appreciation". Anything can bring joy if we just appreciate it as much as possible.

Staying grateful with migraine

Right now I'm fighting a new migraine, but I'm filled with joy because I own a heating blanket to wrap my neck and shoulders up with an icepack on top of my head. How can I not be happy? I have a lovely little home. A sweet dog. An awesome supportive husband. So much to give me joy in spite of migraine. I have plenty of abort meds, I'm not nauseous anymore (thanks to promethazine) and I'm planning, in my head, a simple meal of a BLT in a pita pocket with avocado, feta cheese and Cesar dressing. How can I not find joy in that?! Many people have so much less.

Wacky lady with hats

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