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Often during migraine I feel intolerant of even having people in the room with me. Not because of the noise they make or because the lights are on or we hug at the door, etc. But it FEELS like they’re touching my skin just by, I don’t know, moving the air around me? To me, it seems like part of “Allodynia,” but this particular feeling doesn’t seem to fit in the definition.
Does anyone else feel this intolerance of peoples’ presence in the room as a migraine symptom? These are people I want to be with! But I can’t stand to be anywhere near them or anyone.
I’m sorry if I’ve asked this before.
Thanks, Kate 🌷

  1. Hi
    Thank you for brining up this topic. I do wonder if it's possible that people "moving the air" like you said could be allodynia or I wonder if it could be overstimulation as well. From one of our articles on allodynia "Dynamic allodynia – pain is triggered by movement across the skin" which could involve air being moved. If you haven't seen this resource check it out;
    I love that you like to be around people during an attack - I'm the opposite. Just leave me alone until it passes.
    How are you doing today? I'm sending you wishes for a low pain day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (team member)

    1. Nancy - this is a much delayed reply, as I read your response a second time. Thanks for your support. One point, though:
      It isn’t really that I like being around people during migraine, it’s that I WISH i COULD BE around people during migraine, as I have migraine all the time and I’m a naturally social person. Just want to be clear on that, because migraine makes it near impossible to spend time with people, and this leaves a gigantic hole in my life.

    2. Hi !
      Nice to hear from you - no worries on responding!
      Thank you for clearing that up, I'm sorry I was confused! I get it - during an attack I want to crawl into a dark, cool room and be alone when one hits. I hear you about the giant hole in your life and understand how isolated and alone migraine makes us. I truly wish I had a answer to address this and could wave my magic wand and make it all go away!
      How goes it today? Sending out wishes for a low pain day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (team member)

  2. I feel the same. I need no extra stimulation during migraines. I thought it might be their energy or talking, but movement of air 🤔...that makes sense.

    1. - Thanks, AllyDill, that’s exactly what I feel. And it really feels like it’s part of the migraine. I just don’t often see it included in official descriptions, so thanks!

    2. They absolutely can be expensive. I think I spent around $150 on mine, which is a significant investment. The biggest thing I tried to be mindful of was size and weight. Some of them are bigger, and you can buy them in different levels of weight. There's a bunch of guides online about how heavy it should be in comparison to how tall and heavy you are. I encourage you to do some googling and see what resonates. It also depends if you want it to cover your whole body or part. Mine is a little too small, and it doesn't drape over my feet. It's a small thing, but if I got one again, I'd buy one that has some more wiggle room so that I can shift under it. The way it is now, I can really only drape the blanket over my torso and legs. - Cody (Team Member)

  3. Thanks, Cody. That’s totally helpful!
    Kate 🌷

    1. And make sure there is a return policy, so that you can try it out and if it needs to be heavier/different, you can just send it back. 😀 -Melissa, team member

  4. Yes, very much so. Migraines usually make me severely light and sound sensitive. Everything irritates me. On days like today when I have a bunch of meetings, it is really hard to make it through the day. I wear ear plugs when I'm in my office, which helps.

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