Hi merrie,
Many factors contribute to having migraine. According to Dr. Lipton, a leading migraine/headache disorder specialist, those of us who have migraine .... "have a "sensitive" brain, which means their nervous system is primed to overreact to triggers such as chocolate, red wine, or falling barometric pressure." This is from an interview in the magazine 'Neurology Now'.
So, if our vision is a problem this could trigger, not cause, a migraine attack. This means eye issues can both be symptoms of attack and/or trigger one. Does that make sense? Blurry vision and eye pain can be symptoms of an attack along with many others. Let me share with you an article on the various symptoms of a migraine attack; https://migraine.com/migraine-symptoms/.
An important thing to remember is any time we have new/different and/or ongoing symptoms with our doctor so he can rule out anything serious. Have you had a chance to have an eye examination recently?
Please get in touch with your doctor and let us know how you are feeling.