Hi there- Thanks so much for sharing this question and your experience with tingling. This is something we've heard of before. That said, if you are experiencing a symptom that is new to you, we always encourage folks to share this information with your doctor as we are not medical professionals.
Migraine is a complex neurological condition so many odd symptoms can accompany it. Here is some information we have regarding tingling: https://migraine.com/migraine-symptoms/numbness-tingling. And a few stories of other community members who have experienced it: https://migraine.com/forums/left-sided-facial-pain-relatedt-to-migraine. And: https://migraine.com/forums/cervical-spine-and-migraines. And: https://migraine.com/forums/complete-newbie-does-this-sound-like-migraines. Hope this information may prove helpful to you. Warmly - Holly - migraine.com team