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Hemiplegic Migraine

Anyone else have to deal with these besides me? Personally, I find the extra symptoms to be worse than the actual headache pain. The twitching, the pins and needles, the just feeling weird and out of it. I hate it. I keep thinking something is really wrong with me.

How do you cope with the weird?

  1. Hi,

    I get these migraines all the time and they are very scary. The only thing I do to help ease my anxiety when I'm having one is close my eyes and take deep breaths and wait for the Aura to pass. Mine is normally gone in 20 minutes then the headache starts. I have total numbness of hand arm and face and also blind in 1 eye. Sorry I cant be of any help in terms of how I cope with it I just do I have no choice but to. Like I mentioned above close your eyes and slow deep breaths really helped me give it a try you don't have anything to lose. I wish you all the best

    1. and - Hemiplegic is among the hardest to manage types of migraine. I'm so sorry you both are living with this condition but so glad you have connected. I wanted to share the resources we have on this topic to help connect you with others who live with it:
      I hope you find these helpful. Thinking of you- - Holly (team member)

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