Great question! I'm sure you'll be getting lots of responses soon. Coping with any health issues is not easy and I often say it's a good idea for people when first diagnosed to see a therapist to help guide them through living with chronic illness. I found it very helpful.
Let me start you off with some of our resources;
I'll stop now, although I could go on. I don't want to overwhelm you.
One of my biggest tips is to let go of guilt surrounding migraine disease. We didn't ask to have a neurological disease and therefore it's not our fault! I understand that this is easier said than done some days, but this mindset has freed up space in my head as far a guilt goes.
Speaking of guilt, we can be the "perfect" migraine disease patient by staying hydrated, not skipping meals, keeping a regular sleeping patterns, and more yet still get attacks. I believe it's the nature of the disease!
Please let me know what you think and I'm sure others will be along shortly to share their experiences with you. Pain free wishes heading your way, Nancy Harris Bonk, team member