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Meds losing efficacy. Help!

Ubrelvy worked for 6 mos as my only abortive and a year before that as an occasional abortive. Nurtec has been my preventative but didn’t help a ton but did work as an abortive for intermittent use for about a year. Now they stopped. I took these in place of Advil since it quit working 21 years in! Finally picked back up on Advil again after a 6 mo break. Do I do this for 6 mos and then resort back to Ubrelvy? Could Nurtec be stopping the Ubrelvy from working?

  1. I am so sorry your meds are not controlling the head pain. Unfortunately, we cannot give medical advice here in the community. We are not doctors but here to support those who are suffering from migraine episodes. I understand the frustration you are having. When migraines are not controlled anymore by medications that used to work it just makes it all worse. the only advice I can offer is to please put a call into your treating physician - he/she/they may want to change up your treatment regimen. I wish you luck and relief from the pain of migraine disease. Best of wellness ~ Rebecca (CCM & Advc)

    1. Tysm. We switched to Naratan. Did nothing. Triptans never really helped me anyway.

      1. It's tough when our meds no longer work in our bodies. I'm sorry you are enduring this. Has your doctor come up with any other possible therapy options for you? The CGRP class of drugs all work a little differently. Triptans work great for some and not for others too. Have you explored any infusions like Vyepti or DHE? Neuromodulation devices like Nerivio, Cefaly, and GammaCore may be worth discussing with your doctor. Let us know how you are doing moving forward. Warmly, Cheryl team

    2. I want to try Reyvow but I hear you can’t drive after. I had a scary reaction to Aimovig so I am not up for other shots. Botox does help me prevent. Gammacore didnt work but want to try. Nerivio and Cefaly. I kind of want to try zoming and maxalt and replax again as these sometimes worked in the beginning. This has never happened to me before and I’m scared migraines will start causing to miss life’s special times. I hope giving ubrelvy/nurtec a break will help.

      1. Hi there! As you're wondering about Nurtec and Ubrevly, I wanted to pass along this resource that asks our community for their feedback on those two treatments specifically and related side effects- there are a lot of comments to look at that you might find helpful:
        I personally tried Reyvow but it made me feel weird- kind of out-of-body and sleepy. It wasn't something I wanted to stick with.
        Migraine does tend to evolve over time so it is normal that our treatments sometimes change in their efficacy. It is therefore helpful to at times revisit treatments that once worked before (like the triptans you mentioned- maxalt, relpax, etc).
        You are doing a great job in thinking about all the various treatments available to you. I think I may've already said this to you in a different thread, but as there is no one cure for migraine, it is smart to pull together a strategy and combination of protocols that help to decrease the frequency and intensity of your condition. We are here for you! Stay in touch. Warmly- Holly team.

    3. Tysm! I also do botox. I’m SO nervous to get preg w migraines, which I hope to be in the next few months

      1. I think it's understandable that you feel worried about your migraines during pregnancy. Here are some helpful articles that may help provide some relief and insight into what to expect:,

        Best, - Cody (Migraine. com Team Member)

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