I get basilar migraines and the only thing that helps is Fioricet. My Neuro stopes all triptans and ergots once I started having stroke like symptoms and the majority of attacks were basilar. My main triggers are barometric pressure changes and muscle spasms ( some say dystonia but there's disagreement within my team.) The muscle spasms put me in constant pain ( currently on SDI) which were trying to manage with Baclofen, klonapin and limited amounts of Percocet for pain. I've tried every OTC (herbal and vitamins too) and Percocet with caffeine, Toradol nothing but the fioricet works and when that stops working I have to go for a shot of dilaudid and promethazine.
Pain management wants me to discontinue all narcotics for my migraines, due to rebound issues (per Stanfords guidelines)..
This is where I need help. I react badly to antisiezure meds and my current preventative is verapamil. Anyone have any suggestions I can bring to the table... Don't see my Neuro for 2 weeks and she wants this to start asap (trying to break the current cycle with steroids).
Any ideas would be appreciated.