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Sensory Aura Without Headache

I have had migraine for many years, my first attack was diagnosed when I was pregnant and I experienced numbness on my right side. Investigations were normal. I then went on to have fairly classical migraines for several years and with hindsight I had probably been having these for some time before the diagnosis was made. In my mid 40s I started getting symptoms of vertigo and tinnitus and a frequent headache. Investigations were normal and a likely diagnosis of vestibular migraine was made. I started propranolol as prophylaxis which helped reduce attack frequency. Over the past 4-5 months I have been experiencing numbness/tingling/pins and needles in my arms or legs or both. No weakness but a sensation of slight clumsiness. No face or visual sx. Very infrequent headaches but definately migranous when they occur. I've had a normal MRI head and neck and have been told likely migraine but not offered any other advice. The symptoms are very distracting, occur on an almost daily basis and often keep me awake at night. Does anyone exlse experience this and does it sound like Silent Migraine? I presume not hemiplegic as no weakness as such.

  1. - Thank you so much for writing in to share some of your lengthy journey with migraine. You've been through so much and isn't it interesting (and challenging) the way migraine evolves over time. I'm assuming, from your mentions of tests over the years, that you are under the care of a migraine specialist. Is that the case? I ask because we cannot provide medical advice or guidance here - and your important question regarding your diagnosis would be best asked of a medical professional. That said, your frequent experience of these symptoms must indeed be troubling and distracting and yes, others do experience numbness, tingling, pins/needles, as well as clumsiness. Here are some resources on those symptoms that may prove informative for you: And: You didn't mention whether or not (or the extent to which) you experience head pain- this would be a key part of the Silent Migraine diagnosis: Another component is your mention of losing sleep due to these symptoms and of course, getting regular and sufficient sleep can be an important part of managing migraine. Again, all of these matters would be important to discuss with your specialist. If you need assistance finding a specialist, please let us know. We are here for you and so glad you are with us. Warmly- Holly team.

    1. Sensory aura without headache is a type of migraine aura that causes sensory disturbances such as tingling, numbness, or visual changes without the subsequent headache pain that typically accompanies migraines. It can be a confusing and unsettling experience, but is generally not a cause for concern.

      1. Thank you for taking the time to provide your insights and this description. Looks like one of the descriptive links above didn't show up. Here's another helpful resource on the topic: Warmly- Holly team.

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