Hi whis333,
Thank you for your question. Many times what we think of as sinus issues are really migraine attacks. In fact this may be the case in nearly 80% of people who think they have sinus issues but are migraine attacks.
Migraine attack symptoms can include but are not limited sinus pressure, facial/cheek/tooth/forehead pain, congestion, runny nose, watery eyes and more. Here is more information on this; https://migraine.com/migraine-types/sinus-migraine/.
I did want to mention there is not an actual diagnosis of "cluster migraine". Cluster headache attacks and migraine attacks are each primary headache disorders, which means they are not cause by anything else. They can however, occur at the same time.
Getting an accurate diagnosis is important as this allows us to get the proper treatment and learn all we can about our particular type of headache disorder (s) as it's possible to have more than one type. You may want to seek out the expertise of a doctor who is well educated in treating migraine and headache disease.
I hope this helps.
Wishing you a low pain day,