Hi Nancy, thanks for your reply. I did see a headache specialist last January. He is also an MS specialist, that's what brought me to him in the first place. I had the MRI to check if MS was the cause of my complaints.
If you are interested, here is my experience with a 'headache specialist':
The first consultation went OK, but when I returned after a few weeks for the evaluation of the MRI, it all went a bit odd. He had lost the MRI pictures and radiologists letter. His secretary had phoned me about this the day before with the request to drop my copy off; a 1 hour drive. Which I declined and in stead promised to bring it in one hour before the consultation.
After waiting for one and a half hour he called me in and told me he didn't find the time yet to look at my MRI. He quickly flipped through it and casually told me I didn't have MS (... apparently a detail...) but silent migraine, and he also explained to me I have two cerebral hemispheres, of which one controls the opposite of my body etc. etc., which is a bit odd since I told him previously I am a psychologist..., wrote a prescription and handed over a little diary which I had to keep for three months.
I told him I already identified my triggers by using an app for several months and getting an allergy test done (which confirmed my triggers) and that I was so ill that I wasn't able to work for more than a few hours a day and couldn't wait three months for the evaluation of the meds. He got annoyed and told me he would call in two weeks how things were going.
Before I left I asked if the meds had any side effects and he said I could use them 10 days a months and during wouldn't be able to drive. I said this was impossible for me, since I need my car for my work and that I have serious complaints daily. He then said that "people with migraines don't want to drive anyway" (?!) and suggested other medication, something that lowers blood pressure. I told him I already suffer from very low blood pressure (85/55) and that it didn't seem sensible to lower it even further. He then told me it wouldn't be a problem.
Next day I checked with the pharmacy and they strongly discouraged taking the prescribed medicine, since it could lead to fainting and other serious complaints.
After two weeks he called and asked how things were going. I told him about the pharmacy and that I emailed a complaint list two days before (this seemed sensible since I had the impression he forgot all I told the first time). He ignored the remark about the pharmacist and said he didn't receive the list.
By then I was completely done with this man, I hung up and haven't spoken to him since.
I'm quite hesitant to start over with another 'headache specialist' since this guy is supposed to be the regional specialist, working at a specialized headache department of a hospital.