welcome to the migraine.com community! We are glad you're here! Suffering from migraine disease is awful. I'm sorry you have to endure that. Here is a good article that goes through the basics of what migraine is and it shows some of the most common symptoms associated with the disease.
Migraine is a sneaky disease and it affects different people differently. The experiences we have with an attack cycle many times are similar to other people's symptoms, but there is usually something unique about your own experience. Migraine symptoms can also mimic some of the same symptoms as a stroke which can be quite scary. A couple of good tips are for you to track, journal, or keep a diary of your attacks and the symptoms you are experiencing. You can even document how it affects your life. I would also recommend that you see your primary doctor or GP to discuss what you have been experiencing. This is where tracking your attacks can be a powerful tool as you share that with your doctor. Your doctor may order tests to help rule out any other possible conditions that may cause the symptoms you are mentioned. Controlling and managing migraine disease is a process that takes some time, but the earlier you address it the more likely you are to have a good outcome. Please know that you are not alone. This community is full of people who understand migraine disease and its symptoms. There is a wealth of resources for you to tap into, and you can actively take part in any forums or article comment threads. As always we are here for your support! Warmly, Cheryl migraine.com team