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Hi. My name is Ethan. I saw your page on IG now.. wow amazing blog I like it. I've been struggling with migraines for 3 years.. I went to the doctors and they were no help, just told me it's migraine with aura.

I'm so tired of researching the cause and what can help ..if you have any home remedies or items to buy please share. I'm having symptoms every day but have to still push through life. My mom and I don't know what to do. I cried also because nobody is helping me. Everyone just wants money nowadays. Where I live in South Africa, it is very expensive for private.

My parents are not working, only my 2 sisters.. and we earn just enough for us. It's just getting to me 😓 my faith in Jesus is the only thing that helps me get going on. I give all my complaints to him and ask for my healing but in his time not mine... praying also helps....

Please give feedback. You seem like a kind person that's why I trust you.

Thank you for reading
God bless you

  1. Thank you for reaching out and sharing your story with us. I'm sorry to hear you've been dealing with head pain for so long. We have lots of information on what migraine is and isn't and this may be a good place to start and I've also included natural approaches;

    I'm going to see if I can find a doctor in South Africa. I will be back in touch soon. I'm sending along pain free wishes, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team

    1. , Welcome to the community. We understand what you are experiencing with these attacks. I'm sorry to hear that you have been struggling with migraine. It is a truly disruptive disease that impacts our entire bodies and our lives. This community is a great place to share our experiences as well as what is working for us and what is not. Here are a couple of resources for you regarding natural therapy regimens.

      Many migraine sufferers are also deficient in magnesium and vitamin D. Here is an article on magnesium:

      Here is another good thread that covers the natural end of migraine prevention therapies:

      I understand that treating migraine with limited resources is challenging, but there is so much great information in our community I'm hopeful that you will find something that you can use. I am more than happy to join with you in prayer and petition that God will intervene and give you rest from your attacks. I'm here if you need more assistance, as well as our awesome team. Warmly, Cheryl team

      1. - Welcome to I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling with migraines. Dealing with frequent symptoms can be incredibly challenging, especially with limited resources. Some strategies include remaining hydrated, getting enough rest, and finding your triggers, as well as keeping your environment migraine-friendly, and home treatments close at hand. You can find some information on treatments here at these links.

        I hope you find answers and help locating a treating physician near you (through South Africa Headache Society / NASA)

        Wishing you success in reducing your migraines - warmly - Rebecca (community moderator)

        1. I just wanted to welcome you to the community here. It looks like the team has already shared a lot of resources with you that I hope you are finding helpful.
          Alene, moderator

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