I am 32, have had vestibular migraines since I was 6. Docs thought I had simple vertigo until I was 19 and was given Meclizine, which did not help. Starting to wonder if they were wrong with this diagnosis too, because whenever I describe my migraines to family members who also have vestibular migraines, they say their migraines are quite different from my migraines. Another reason is I have been on every possible medication for vestibular migraines (up til 2017, because I no longer have health insurance), and they either barely worked or didn't work at all.
I have not been able to pinpoint any causes. My migraines are cyclical; They happen roughly every 2 1/2 months for 4-6 days at a time, and I can give a rough estimate of when they'll occur on a calendar. It is extremely difficult to function during those days. Vomiting on the first 1-2 days; all 4-6 days I'm dizzy, have the tension in my forehead, and an odd stomach squeezing feeling.
Something that's kinda weird is a little over 10 years ago, I started having dreams where I was really dizzy because I was spinning down into a hole. Then I'd wake up with a migraine, and, I was dizzy. These days, I don't have the dream where I'm falling down a well or a hole, but I can still FEEL myself getting dizzy in my dreams. Earlier this morning, I actually remember thinking while I was sleeping, "Great, now I'm going to wake up with a migraine." And I did.
Can anyone tell me if any of this is right on par with what you or a loved one experiences? I would appreciate any answers. I figured since my headache specialist wasn't able to help me, maybe someone on here could point me in the right direction.
Thanks!! 😀