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These occur only in the context of migraine prodrome and aura. Another weird symptom is my voice becomes very weak
Holly Harding Member
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Hi there
zvaresk Member
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Key findings.
* Nearly half of individuals with episodic migraine had objectively measured changes in speech associated with migraine attacks compared to their interictal period.
* Changes in speech can be objectively measured even in individuals who do not report having speech changes during migraine attacks.
There were several group-level differences that indicated a loss in articulatory precision, a change in speech rhythm, and phonatory fatigue during migraine attacks and during the pre-attack phase compared to healthy controls. For example, migraineurs had significantly lower values of phonatory duration and higher energy decay slopes during the migraine attack, pre-attack phase, and interictal phase when compared to healthy controls
Holly Harding Member
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zenya666 Member
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A weak voice during migraines must be frustrating. Have you found anything that helps with these symptoms, or do they just pass on their own?
Holly Harding Member
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Holly Harding Member
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