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Vocal and physical tics

These occur only in the context of migraine prodrome and aura. Another weird symptom is my voice becomes very weak

  1. Hi there - thank you so much for chiming in to share some of your migraine symptoms that signal an attack is en route. I also experience the voice weakening thing. I have usually equated that to the overall weakness I feel before, during, and after an attack. The vocal and physical tics are interesting to hear about. We have a current discussion about odd migraine symptoms- there are so many! You might find it of interest: Glad you're with us. Warmly - Holly (team member)


      Key findings.
      * Nearly half of individuals with episodic migraine had objectively measured changes in speech associated with migraine attacks compared to their interictal period.
      * Changes in speech can be objectively measured even in individuals who do not report having speech changes during migraine attacks.

      There were several group-level differences that indicated a loss in articulatory precision, a change in speech rhythm, and phonatory fatigue during migraine attacks and during the pre-attack phase compared to healthy controls. For example, migraineurs had significantly lower values of phonatory duration and higher energy decay slopes during the migraine attack, pre-attack phase, and interictal phase when compared to healthy controls

    2. This is extraordinarily helpful to read. I'm grateful for the resource you sent. Thank you for taking the time to send this along. I plan to write an article re: this since we appear to lack information on this topic. Many thanks again! Warmly - Holly (team member)

  2. A weak voice during migraines must be frustrating. Have you found anything that helps with these symptoms, or do they just pass on their own?

    1. It's lovely and very moving! I'm glad you shared. I'm quite similar to you- music and my dog have played major parts in my migraine journey and keep me balanced in the face of daily pain. I enjoyed your song very much- the cyclical trance-like nature that happens with a triplet song always pulls me in. I poked around and enjoyed the rest of what I heard as well. Instrumental is good for the migraine mind- it can pull us out of focusing on the pain into a different place. Some of my music can be found here, if you're interested in a listen: Thanks again for sharing. Warmly - Holly (team member)

    2. Fascinating! Thank you so much for sharing this resource. Relevant to our community for sure. Looks like it comes out end of January and happily will be available in audiobook for those of us who are triggered into attacks by reading. Looking forward! Warmly - Holly (team member)

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