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Words and thoughts

Hello, I'm new to the forum. I'm wondering if anyone else experiences difficulty remembering words when they have an aura migraine and difficulty saying certain things as well??

  1. Hi
    Welcome to! Thank you for being part of our community and sharing your concern with us.
    You're not alone in dealing with this - I sure do! Difficulty finding and remembering words, along with other cognitive issues can be part of the migraine process. I experience this from time to time and it seems to the worse the attack, the more trouble I have with this. Let me share some resources with you on this topic; That should start you off while we wait for others to share their experiences with you.
    Sending you low pain wishes, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (Team Member)

    1. Thank you so much, that's a relief - I was concerned it was just me.

    2. You're very welcome! It's awful to feel like we're the only one who experiences these sort of symptoms. You're in very good company!
      Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (Team Member)

  2. Hi - Welcome to the community 😀. You're absolutely in the right place for info on this. While we wait for some other members to chime in, I thought I would direct you to some helpful articles and forum posts.

    In a nutshell, difficulty remembering words is a common experience among those who live with migraine. It's described in a variety of ways, but most people seem to refer to it as "brain fog". It can also be related to aphasia, which is the difficulty of remembering, understanding, or using words. Check out this article, and see if it resonates with your experience: And if that doesn't quite capture your experience, this article is also great: Lastly, we also have a great resource on memory and how it functions during a migraine: If you have any lingering questions, please don't hesitate to post a follow-up response. We're here to help!

    Warmly, - Cody (Team Member)

    1. Thank you so much.

  3. - Welcome to our community! We're so glad you found us. Thanks for your question on brain fog and aphasia (the term that refers to the struggle to find words). You are not at all alone in this challenge. We have many resources on the tie between these conditions and aura. The easiest way to take a look at the articles and community resources on this topic is to go to our search bar (upper left) type in "aura aphasia" and then click enter. I'll get you started with one of the more popular articles here: Be sure to take some time to read the community comments following the article as we have a dynamic and involved group of people (the largest dedicated online migraine community) who kindly share their wisdom and experiences. Speaking of- we are here to provide information, support, and compassion anytime. Please post questions, as you just did, to our forums page - when you can't find information on the site - and use our stories page to share your story if you're so moved: We also encourage people new to the community to introduce themselves here: We are thrilled to have you with us- we look forward to learning more about you- and learning from you in the days to come! Warmly - Holly (team member)

    1. Thank you for all this - I will check out what you have sent me.

      1. you are welcome. We are glad that you are here and asked about this. You definitely are not alone. I hope that you find the answers and help that you were looking for. Remember that you can always come to our page for assistance. (Tonya, team member).

      2. Thank you Holly.

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