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''Work from home jobs'' for people with migraines.

Hi Everyone,
Due to covid there seems to be more people working from home.
My question is:
1/ how do you find these work from home jobs, do you contact a head hunter? I've searched online but don't know if they are scams or ligit.
2/ other than admin, customer service or virtual assistant what other types of jobs can you suggest for people with migraines? Thanks!

  1. Hi thank you for reaching out. I personally had to quit my fulltime job because of COVID. Direct sales is sometimes a good option and there are so many options for that. If that doesn't interest you, sometimes you can search on Indeed or other sites like that by typing in work from home or remote jobs. Hopefully this helps you some, but please reach out if you have any other questions or if we can show you any other resources. Warmly, Tara (team member)

    1. Thank you Tara! I will check Indeed. Take care!

      1. Hi ,

        Let us know how you make out!

        Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Advocate/Moderator

    2. Search under ANY job title for skills or jobs you have had or think you could do. If there are remote positions, they generally will either specify this in the listing. Or, if there's a posted location nearby, it might be worth sending a resume, and if you get a call back ask if there is any opportunity for remote work. Patient Advocates, care managers, calling for questionnaires, direct sales...lots of different folks work remotely. It makes work/life easier, but I didn't find it necessarily reduced my migraines sadly.

      1. Thank you for this info. I need to find the right keywords to search for jobs that fit my personality.
        I did not know about patient advocates or care managers. As you mentioned, I don't think working remotely will reduce migraines however there is less of an issue about calling in sick and then not being paid since i've lost some hours staying at home from work.

    3. I have always liked the book called "What Color Is Your Parachute?" It's a guide to job hunting and figuring out your career. A new edition comes out every year, which is useful. But in this case, I think it would be helpful because it has you spend a lot of time thinking about your full set of skills and talents, along with the variety of ways you can use them. I think we have a tendency to box ourselves in. I'm a journalist by trade and yet here I am on the team! You never know where you'll end up. 😀 -Melissa, moderator

      1. INFP's are apparently a very small percentage of the population. Thank you for your kind words!

      2. No wonder my family finds me so strange. I am married to an INTJ, so my life is very interesting. 😛 -Melissa, team

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