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How Do You Start Your Migraine Treatment Journey?

Anyone who lives with migraine disease will tell you the journey from diagnosis to effective treatment is a marathon. “How did you start getting your migraine treated?" is a common question I get from people when they learn I have chronic migraine. I have much experience dealing with this beast but keep my steps simple and concise. The first step is finding a doctor who specializes in headache disorders. The second is finding therapy regimens that work for you, and the third is to walk out your journey with as much hope and positivity as possible.

Which providers do I see for migraine?

I always hated going to the doctor. Migraine changed that mindset quickly for me, but I still am not a fan of doctor visits. When migraine is suspected, the first stop for me is my primary care doctor. He was a great doctor but not familiar enough with migraine to provide me with adequate treatment options. That’s where a specialist comes into the picture. Mine focuses almost entirely on headache disorders. She provides care, insight, and effective therapy regimens for me. We work as a team and make time during every visit to collaborate and discuss my migraine tracking reports. She wants to make sure the current treatments are working well for me. If they are not, we pivot and modify our plan—this relationship is perfect for her and me.

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How have combination therapies worked for me?

In my experience, there has been no specific cause for my attacks, nor has there been any magic bullet therapy that ticks all the boxes to end the attacks. The use of combination therapies has been the most effective for me. I have heard about combination therapies from many others who feel the same way. Finding the best combination is the challenge you take on with the help of your specialist. The options of therapies today number well into the hundreds, but migraine is an individualistic disease. What works for one may not work at all for another. Dialing into effective care can take time. Be patient. Tests are another part of the journey that helps unlock possible combination therapies.

What does my treatment regimen look like?

What do therapy regimens look like? For me, they include medications, supplements, physical therapy, a neuromodulation device (Nerivio), chiropractic, diet modifications, biofeedback, mindfulness/meditation, ice, and heat. Rest is also essential for me. I can burn bright for an hour or so, but then I need to rest and recharge. Therapy regimens are anything that adds to your overall well-being and migraine management. I love to walk outdoors, but the bright Florida sunshine can quickly make that enjoyment turn ugly if I go out unprotected. Scents bother many people, and they will avoid certain aisles in a store or the entire store if they don’t have a way to protect themselves from those stimuli.

How have changes impacted my journey?

Change is a constant in our lives, and migraine disease is no exception. Mine has changed many times over the years. I’ve learned not to panic when things start to change with my attacks. I live a productive and ‘normal’ life despite living with chronic migraine. I understand it is a complex neurological disease, and I am not the one who caused it. I live with migraine, but that is not who I am. It does not define me. Living daily with faith, hope, love, gratitude, and positivity propels me forward. Every day is not sunshine and rainbows, but there is joy if you look for it.

Are you just starting your migraine journey? Let’s share how we started and how we intend to finish strong!

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