Depression and Migraine: More Than Just Comorbid ConditionsWith Depression awareness month this October, I wanted to look back to my own experiences. I had almost forgotten that I once struggled with it daily over ten years ago...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
18 Things Not to Say to a Person With MigraineYou responded to our original Things Not to Say article with more frustrating comments you’ve heard from misinformed people about migraines. In turn, we have included them in our updated...Reactions0reactionsComments37 comments
When do you just call it a day?Some days I wake up with the ghost of a migraine teasing at my temples and my neck. I can’t tell if it’s going to settle in or if I...Reactions0reactionsComments20 comments
“Migraine Brain” Part IV – Getting the job doneWhen it comes to “migraine brain” I hear a lot of complaints about having too many unfinished projects. Some even share that they frequently forget what they were doing if...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Wading through the postdromeIt’s been awhile since I made a point of writing while in the throes of a migraine attack. This afternoon, a migraine that had been creeping around for a good...Reactions0reactionsComments20 comments
Tips for getting moving again while dealing with migraineBefore chronic migraines I was very physically active. If I wasn’t giving it my all it wasn’t good enough. With chronic migraines I continued to exercise as much as I...Reactions0reactionsComments7 comments
Separating Depression Symptoms From Migraine Symptoms & Frustrations“Is today my birthday?,” my nephew asked his mom days before his third or fourth birthday. When she said no, he said, “Well, is it my birthday season?” My sister...Reactions0reactionsComments12 comments
“Migraine Brain” Part III – Catching up after an attackOne of the challenges with migraine-related cognitive deficits is that it can leave migraineurs with a sense of running behind. I have often described it as “playing catch up“. I...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Bargaining to Get Rid of Migraine“What would you give up to never have another migraine?” This question pops up online a lot, from social media to forums to drug ads. People usually respond to it...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day Sept 27, 2014Saturday, September 27, 2014 is National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day from 10am to 2pm. This is a nation-wide event that encourages patients to clear out their medicine cabinets of unused...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Special education services for children with migraineMigraines can seriously impact a child’s social and emotional development. They can also present a significant barrier to educational success. If your child has migraines, you know how difficult it...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
Sensory Processing Sensitivity (a.k.a. Highly Sensitive People)Migraineurs are more sensitive to sensory stimuli than non-migraineurs, certainly during a migraine, but also between migraine attacks. It is also said that the migraine brain is hyper-reactive (or hypersensitive)...Reactions0reactionsComments19 comments
Moving House for the First Time in a DecadeIn 2004, ten years ago, I moved to Athens, Georgia. It was to be a temporary home for me—I expected to be here for two or three years, long enough...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Invisible Illness, Invisible PersonHaving an invisible illness sometimes feels like being an invisible person. This happens in so many ways: None of the people who've said these things have had bad intentions. Maybe...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Believing the lieWe’ve all heard it. Migraine is NOT just a headache. There are so many other symptoms we have to deal with. Sometimes it’s difficult to determine if what I am...Reactions0reactionsComments18 comments
10 Tips to Quiet Your Mind for SleepDoes your mind start chattering loudly as soon as you get into bed? Thoughts of what happened in the day, what you need to get done tomorrow, that comment you...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Can Having a Purpose in Life Protect You From Pain?Purposeful people live longer; that’s the takeaway from a recent study based on data taken from a longitudinal sample that followed 7,108 participants for approximately 15 years. According to the...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Outsmarting Triptan PackagingWhen migraine makes you clumsy or reduces the strength of your grip, opening triptan packaging can be unbelievably frustrating. Some people keep small scissors with them to get to their...Reactions0reactionsComments20 comments
13 Things People With Migraine DO Want to HearIf you’ve read what not to say to someone with migraine, you may be wondering if there is anything left that you CAN say. The answer is yes, absolutely! There...Reactions0reactionsComments7 comments
“Migraine Brain” Part II – working memory deficitsIn Treating "Migraine Brain" , I introduced the idea of using mental health strategies to compensate for memory and focus problems brought on by migraine. This can be accomplished by identifying your...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments