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How to detox from rizatryptan

I think iam getting rebound headaches. The rizatryptan isn't as effective with the increase of my migraines. The migraines are pretty much everyday having to take 3 rizatryptan in a 24 hr daily. I really can't say when it started. It happened so insidiously. Now how do I get off this medication. It's been very painful. I try but then I can't stand the pain any longer and give in and will take the tizatryptan. I tried to take ibuprofin instead but it doesn't do much. I will be seeing my headache doctor this week.

  1. - Thank you so much for sharing this important question. I'm so sorry you are experiencing this uptick in attacks and pain. Rebound headache does happen insidiously, as you said. And it is possible to experience that type of headache from a triptan. I'm so glad you will be meeting with your doctor this week as your primary question (how to detox and pull up from the cycle of a rebound headache) is best asked of your doctor. S/he can assist you in the creation of a plan of action to shift away from taking the triptan into something else until your body makes the transition effectively. All this said, it's also possible that you are in the midst of an intractable migraine attack and require a different type of intervention to assist you in calming the pattern you are in. Either way, your doctor is your next best step.

    Here is some more information on rebound/MOH (medication overuse headache): And: Please don't give yourself a hard time about falling into this pattern- it's very easy to do and it happens to many of us. We are all merely seeking relief from pain, after all.

    Hopefully, ultimately, this can inspire an important discussion with your doctor on the topic of finding an effective preventative for you that will do a better job of keeping you from getting breakthrough attacks in the first place.

    We are absolutely here for you as you continue along this journey. Please let us know if you have additional questions and how your appointment goes. Thinking of you. Warmly - Holly (team member)

    1. Thank you. I guess I thought at first that my migraines were just getting more frequent. But then I read about someone in the forum that they realized they had MOH. So I thought that maybe that's me also. It seems like all the preventive I've been on work for awhile and then lose their effectiveness. I'm sure the next drug will be topamax. I'm already on propanolol, amitryptiline, gabapentin. Thank you for your advise. So grateful for this site!

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