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Medical Bills and Validation!

Hi, fellow migraineurs. I've had migraines since my youth, but officially diagnosed since my 20s. I'm now 56 and haven't worked outside the home since I was 30 years old. My question is regarding disability. I know I'm unable to collect any type of disability income because my husband makes around 150k (please don't say "lucky you", my medical bills are astronomical!).

Is there any way to get this "on record" other than just my medical records? I would really like it documented in a more official court document? I'm not seeking any type of payment but validation I guess. Perhaps others getting monetary payments seems in our society as a type of rubber-stamp validation.

  1. Hi, . Thanks for submitting your question. I can completely relate to your feelings of not qualifying for disability, while also still wanting a legal way to document your needs. A few members within the community have found working with a case manager that is solely focused on helping fellow migraineurs with finding ways to document their needs. Have you ever heard of the Migraine Careline? They offer free case management to help provide support for financial, insurance, and treatment barriers against people living with migraine. I am sharing with you a link to learn a bit more: -Lawrence ( Team)

    1. Thanks very much for your response Lawrence. I read over the article; sounds interesting. I will contact them and see if they can assist me. Thank you for your assistance. Will update if I receive any pertinent info.

      1. Hi, ! I am thrilled to hear that you found the article helpful and that you will try to contact them. We are here for you anytime, and I am very much so looking forward to hearing from you in regards to how it all goes! Hang in there, we are thinking of you always. Wishing you a gentle, pain-free week! -Lawrence ( Team)

    2. Who said you can’t collect Disability? That’s completely false! His income has nothing to do with your disability, just the premium amounts you may have to pay. It’s terrible that you’ve thought this all this time. Inbox me! I will happily give you the run down!!!

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