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My migraine attack will start with an aura lasting probably 20 minutes. The headache is mild but the postdrome is by far the worst symptoms. This usually lasts for three days and for those three days I feel awful. By far the worst one is feeling nauseous and an extremely dry mouth
along with a dull headache, sensitivity to light and general lethargy. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Getting a GP appointment is virtually impossible for me the next available appointment with my GP is 19th July.

  1. Hi there- thanks for the great question. So sorry you are up against the challenge of migraine and the difficulty of postdrome. Very glad to hear you've got an appointment coming up (even if not for another month). I'm going to include some links here for you to peruse that will hopefully help address some of your concerns. These on managing postdrome: And: This on managing nausea: On light sensitivity: On all of these please check out the comment section that follows as they have great ideas within. I hope these help give you some good strategies for how to manage these symptoms (we didn't really have anything significant on dry mouth, I'm afraid). Regarding your upcoming appointment, you didn't mention what treatment strategies you've tried or are taking currently, but we'd recommend you familiarize yourself with the options before your appointment so you can know what to ask for: We are here to answer any questions. Thinking of you- Warmly- Holly team.

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